A Stylist? Who Me?... You Betcha!!


Often I'm told  "If only I could have a stylist", and this begs the question.. WHY HAVE A STYLIST, and why me?    


Years ago I had a dear friend come to me and ask for help. It was post-earthquake in Christchurch, she had lost a lot of confidence due to the stress it had caused and was desperate to reawaken this part of her that had been shut down. 

A new job was coming her way, so we took the opportunity to go through her current wardrobe, re-evaluate her lifestyle, and look to the future not only but utilizing current pieces but also to get excited about the type of wardrobe she wanted.  

It was heartbreaking, soul searching and cathartic for the both of us, and the most amazing part about it was that I got to watch this transformation in front of my eyes of someone who was quiet, shy and worried to someone who had this amazing spring in her step and a twinkle in her eyes.  

What she neglected to understand is that I was just a pawn in the process guiding her car and teaching her that she already had the engine. The car just needed to have a warrant of fitness fine-tuned, a good rev-up and a dirty old burn out to get the wardrobe back into sync again.

Another major part of this process is that I often hear (from the husbands perspective) that it’s a costly process because I’m teaching them to shop. When I actual fact, I’m teaching you to shop in your own wardrobes, question what they already have and be mindful of what’s being bought and show you how to shop properly so that you stop making unnecessary purchases. Time and time again then you end up saving money while learning to stop filling the void with stuff, and fill the gaps with pieces that will work across the board.


So how does it work?

Trust is a big part of it, as we work through this together it can be overwhelming for you to open up your home to a stranger and expect miracles. So trust in the process that we can both learn from this. We start with a big questionnaire that gives me enough information to know what I’m dealing with and an insight into the type of direction you’re wanting to head in. We dive deep into the depths of the entire wardrobe, and we go through every item. I kid you not, and talk about what each piece means, and I give my thoughts (which can be honest and ruthless if I need to be).  

Maybe you hate shopping, maybe you just need to learn how to shop to give the results you want, and these are all the tricks I know how to impart with you. How many times have you bought things and they just sit there because you’ve lost not only confidence, but you’ve actually lost it because you’ve got so much stuff. With proper strategies you can make time efficient decisions and save money. We have fun getting you to try on new outfits you’ve never thought existed, and we start to see what the missing links that can tie it all together.

After around 3-4 hours, I go home and start to make a plan where I research and do all the hard work for you, put together some looks to start with, websites to peruse and your own look board to get inspired by so that you never feel lost or stuck again and this is all included in the wardrobe detox.

I never make my clients feel that I need to take them out shopping, as I give them the list to do by themselves if budgets are tight, but 99% of the time they want me to take them out and get them trying on lots of looks without the pressure of buying. You shouldn’t’ need to break the bank to look up-to-date with your style. In turn this gives you the empowerment to be fly solo with constant contact to me, and I’m always at your beckon call.

Sometimes it’s just one-off events you need help with like balls, or functions. Or simply you need someone to show you where the best place for this and that is. I’m a walking fashion map!

I did a talk recently to a law firm on the importance of a dress codes, and at the end of the day, we all have an internal dress-code as this is the way we show the word who we are without having to mutter a word. It’s empowering to walk into a room knowing you feel great on the inside because you’ve made an effort on the outside.

I’m not your average stylist, I don’t do “colours” as this at times can be limiting for clients, and I don’t dress you based on the fact that your shaped like a piece of fruit, it just instinctively happens by knowing what suits you and it’s pretty bloody magical seeing it happen in front of your own eyes.

So..If you  

Have nothing to wear but have piles of it in your wardrobe,
Want to put back that spring in your step that’s gone missing
Refuse to have wardrobe envy of others (which you shouldn’t be doing anyway)
Want to save time and money by simply learning how to shop efficiently and smartly?  

Then I’m your gal!!  

I love hearing from you all, and i'm enjoying getting to know current clients who have decided to share this journey with me.  

Touch base with me if you would love to chat.. louise@livestylelove or text or phone 0272464604  

Lou x 

Meagan Harbott