The stylist does Europe and a touch of LA


3 weeks
4 countries
4 hotels
1 Air BnB
Copious Supermarkets
1 trade show
532 Anchovies
601 olives

And here’s what I’ve learnt....

Firstly, My Instagrammable Gram life is the pits at home compared to what I was seeing everyday, and posting about. Secondly, Jetlag is a bag of D's.

I'm 100% sure that as New Zealander's we are a very loved country overseas. The amount of beautiful comments we had about us, our country, our people were incredible, and secondly a smile can speak a thousand languages.

My Fave City... Oooooo tough one!!

Early morning walks LA

Early morning walks LA

Las Ramblas Barcelona

Las Ramblas Barcelona



My heart says Barcelona as I felt so at home. I thought nothing would compare to London as I just fizzed there. I made some ground work regarding everything and I’m going to do both again very soon just to make sure! Who’s coming with me!!??!!?

It became apparent to me while I was away that fashion in NZ, we are one lucky privileged country where we have access to what is seen around the world. Whether it be social media where we are influenced, or whether fashion is just simply influenced by social media?

I also don't think it's necessarily cheaper, some of the brands I was looking at, once you exchanged it was better to buy here. That was across the board in designers and stores.

The number 1 trend that I noticed was the major impact that my favourite designer Isabel Marant has on the global market. It’s become the norm I feel to embrace the “cool girl” inside. For Isabel who has done this for years, has gone fairly unnoticed in NZ for the majority for many. It’s her natural habitat to design pieces that are reflective of the androgyny inside, the highwaisted wide-legged tapered Trou. The stonewashed grey denim, the slouched boots, heavy knits, oversized shoulders that make their way down the arms. Slub tees and hoodies in neutral earth tones and heavy feminine sneakers worn with EVERYTHING.

Isabel Marant London. This store was gorgeous..

Isabel Marant London. This store was gorgeous..

If you’re looking for a stockist here in NZ, is where you’ll find the best supply of her amazing collections. Etoile which is her more relaxed line, and more feminine and then her Mainline which is next level cool! Everyone was wearing, buying, trying this style.

The Isabel effect had hit H&M, Zara.. and all of the major to minor and boutiques stores. I feel she is also spreading into high-end designs without a doubt as well, and has for a while. I noticed this breathing through everywhere on my travels through all 4 countries and I feel it won’t be, if not, already making our way to stores near us.

This oversized pant style is typical of what I saw on everyone.

This oversized pant style is typical of what I saw on everyone.

Moi trying on a ZARA top in the Isabel style.

Moi trying on a ZARA top in the Isabel style.

H&M Barcelona

H&M Barcelona

We are up with the styles, yes even though we are somewhat behind in “seasonal” styles, It was apparent that we are bang on with what’s available around the globe. If not it’s not far away to where and how we can find it.

I found myself not buying too major into this style while there. I felt if I’m going to have a piece, for me personally I want an actual piece of hers, as she’s an icon to me and my style.

It did make me a little sad seeing it everywhere if I’m truly honest, as with it almost being at saturation, I felt for Isabel. It's her intellectual property that is being ripped off. I know that all designers have this happen at times, but I guess for her it will challenge her to design future collections, and push her designs to evolve, while still keeping her “design thumb-print” that she is known and loved for.

NOT Isabel designs but very similar, and everywhere.

NOT Isabel designs but very similar, and everywhere.

Secondly Leather... leather.. leather or faux leather mostly from what is saw everywhere and I frickin loved it! I feel we already have this going on, so wasn’t a new thing for me to see. Maybe it was a case of it just being worn everywhere rather than being seen in mags, and fashion forecasting.


Camel coloured clothing from drop waisted dresses to shirts in cotton and trench coats, slimline and relaxed are next on the list. Again...I saw this on the street's, the stores and across every level from Zara to Harrods. it’s timeless, it’s been around a fashionably long time and it's not going anywhere anytime soon!

I stalked so I take a pic of these stylish people.

I stalked so I take a pic of these stylish people.

Pic courtesy of Pinterest

Pic courtesy of Pinterest

Hot pink was also everywhere..

Hot pink was also everywhere..

Slogans and branded typography words on to make you feel better about you, or just a named designer.

Slogans and branded typography words on to make you feel better about you, or just a named designer.

Next up, Dresses galore... that trans-seasonal style that is longer, fuller and printed. And it suited every single body shape I saw wearing!!

Cheers to you London, you were ace!

Cheers to you London, you were ace!


The next loudest of what I noticed was this confidence in what people wore, yes they still look up and down. But I saw all sizes, shapes, and colour embracing fashion. Gliding along the street, some almost ethereal in their own element of how amazing they felt. I found it reverberate out of them. If I was an insecure person, I would’ve felt somewhat put out by this, but by being there, surrounded by this, I felt my confidence in myself grow even more.


The elegant chunky sneaker was all that everyone wore where ever we went.... for a trend that’s been around while, it’s become either more refined to suit all outfits or gone the other way and blown up by proportion more so to almost cartoon like. I do feel this style was around years ago, and remember buying a similar style from Attitude Shoes when I first moved to Christchurch!

It might’ve looked like I bought a bit, but I tried on more than I bought, as me that was the work element and try on. I took lots of pics as I felt this gives you guys a decent perspective of what it would look like on a body rather than a hanger. The things I do to sacrifice for you guys is ridiculous. hahaha!!

I travelled with my list which I stuck to and only had around 5 things on it.. My fave piece?? Without a doubt my red dress pictured above.

Food trends wise... that will have to stay a secret unfortunately other than things that we ate in abundance that I spoke about, but this you may on shelves with Heller's in the next wee while hopefully! It was an absolute privilege to head overseas to see, taste and feel completely 100% inspired by what Anuga, and the rest of what Europe offered in the gastronomy and supermarkets vibes.

I find food, fashion, flower design and furore of trends with interiors all tend to go hand in hand with each other. Evolving all at the same time, we look across the board and see similar traits which is exciting to all senses.

One last thing... I have a few tips that I learnt while travelling that i thought i'd Impart.

Actually... It's huge, so i'll have to write another one..

X Lou

Meagan Harbott